Anti-glare systems are a system of shading elements installed to interrupt the light beam from the headlights of cars moving in one direction towards the stream of cars moving in the opposite direction.
When driving at night on country roads where there is no artificial lighting, drivers are constantly at risk of being dazzled by the headlights of oncoming vehicles. This can lead to either a loss of concentration or potential critical consequences, such as traffic accidents.
Anti-glare systems provide protection for drivers' eyes against blinding by the light beam from headlights of vehicles moving in the opposite direction.
Anti-glare systems are designed for installation on first-class traffic barriers (exception - cable traffic barriers) that separate the roadway with two-way traffic.
They are used for road safety reasons to protect against headlight glare and blinding high beams in areas where it is necessary to reduce hazardous glare, leading to potential critical traffic accident consequences.

Usage Locations
Anti-glare systems are installed in places:
- Between parallel or converging streets where there is movement of traffic in opposite directions
- In the area of hills and unfavorable topographical conditions
- Along the central part of multi-lane roads
- On routes with heavy traffic at night (more than 10-12 thousand cars/day)
- The products of JSC "Zavod Prodmash" are manufactured according to STO 07525912-045-2023
- The product is certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST 32838-2014, STO 07525912-045-2023
- The design of the Anti-Dazzle Screen has patent legal protection